Furthering the personal and academic development of the Martindale-Brightwood community

Martindale-Brightwood Education Zone

The MBEZ helps children and families reach their maximum potential. Whole-family support for parents and caregivers undergird students, and the well-coordinated, innovative, high-quality programs help every student advance. 

Martindale-Brightwood Education Zone Goals

  • Babies are healthy at birth and children are meeting developmental milestones, including arriving at school kindergarten-ready. 

  • Children attend high quality schools, perform at grade level in core academic subjects, successfully transition from elementary school to middle school to high school and graduate.

  • High school graduates obtain a postsecondary degree, certification or credential. 

  • Families  are engaged in and knowledgeable about how to support the child’s education at home as well as in school.

  • Families will increase social capital to promote the family’s sense of connection.

  • Families will be provided family case management services in order to reside in stable and affordable housing and become financially stable. 

The Martindale Brightwood Education Zone (MBEZ) plans to improve the educational, developmental, and academic outcomes of MBEZ children and provide critical support for parents/caregivers raising their children in the Martindale-Brightwood and surrounding communities. The MBEZ will:

  • Leverage the full array of assets within the MB community including MBEZ partners

  • Introduce new initiatives or scale-up existing programs and services targeting children, youth and families 

  • Document measurable progress and advancements of each MBEZ participant

  • Provide diverse resources and supports for MBEZ families